Giveo Web
Brand Development, Branding, Web DesignGiveo Web

Giveo needed a brand and web presence that was immediately arresting and simple. In addition to surfacing product relevance to specific audiences bovine also designed a movie that has become representative of Giveo’s mission to make giving accessible to all.
At the heart of Giveo is a highly customizable easy to use web based application, it was key that the product offering was clearly defined and showcased.
To give more detail on specific products, special attention was paid to facilitating a style and layout that enabled clear and detailed product information.
A major brand element of Giveo is passion, the blog is the mouthpiece for that passion. We designed Giveo a stage that was as bold and powerful as their mission.
Something as simple as a datasheet is still an indispensable communication tool to remind prospects of a products capability. A clear design system was implemented in the design of the sheets, ensuring brand consistency and quick individual product identification.
As a focal product for Giveo, Crowdgiver, was approached to really deliver on the brand promise of giving for all. We took special care to make sure that virtually any team or organization could quickly deploy and customize very easily with tremendous visual impact.
A few examples of the flexibility of the Crowdgiver application, a simple image and css tweak and you have a completely different site…sitting all on the same code base.