Oskar Blues Brews
Art Direction, Brand Development, Web DesignOskar Blues Brews

It’s great to see clients grow, and Oskar Blues has grown like no other. brewing now in Colorado and North Carolina, it was time the brewery operation got a proper site of its own.
Oskar Blues really loves a little under the table, the footer of the site was a fun place for users to discover their line of regular beers.
For as much fun as the crew at Oskar Blues loves to have, they also wanted a site that could be updated easily, so the site could reflect the current list of beers, we were only too happy to give them a footprint that did just that.
Beer nerds. Beer nerds love details and thats what this site gives them…every beer, was given ample room to tell its story as well as some of the nerdier facts like awards won and specific gravity of each beer.
We wanted to make sure that finding the beer was as easy as drinking it…so we employed an in theme, beer locator.
Fan participation was a big goal of the site, people who love, love, LOVE Oskar Blues. Fans can tweet to specific beers or events and they can submit recipes. Food is another cornerstone of the Oskar Blues brand. did we mention the restaurant site?