VictorOps App Design
Application Design, Product Design, UE/IAVictorOps App Design

VictorOps is a mobile and desktop product that allows IT teams to collaborate from anywhere they are and solve Dev Ops problems faster. When we approached the design we anted to make sure visual and gesture cues were common from mobile to desktop.
The interaction model in the VictorOps app is unique as it based on a home screen and sliding gestures. to the left of the home is people. to the right are problems and resolution.
The app is intended for an audience that can handle complexity, so we thought to ease them into the amount of information coming their way, we thought some coaching would be nice.
The heart of the app is the info stream, this is a real time look into any organizations technical infrastructure performance and status.
It was important not only to diagnose problems but to sort them as solved for future reference should the same problem happen again.
As part of the beta rollout, VictorOps delivered test devices to certain clients that were branded to stand out, based on TV show themes and O2 tanks used on climbing expeditions.
The desktop version of the app had all the information available on the mobile experience but thanks to more real estate we could display more data in one view.