Victorops AWS 2016
Art Direction, Brand Development, Branding, trade showVictorops AWS 2016

As part of on-going work with Victorops, we continue to help evolve and develop who they are and how they speak. Only 4 years old, it was time to update what Victorops meant to its existing market as well as emerging ones.
Victorops chose to make a statement at the 2016 AWS conference, with a booth that was a little unexpected and interactive.
One way we designed the booth to be “interactive”, was to produce pads of posters that visitors could tear off and take with them as souvenirs, creating a sort of patina over the course of the event.
We also designed a series of irreverent and fun shirts that would hopefully be worn way after AWS was over.
The shirts were a big hit, printed on-site at the event. Finally a reason to sit through a demo…good shirts.