VictorOps launch
Brand Development, UE/IA, Web DesignVictorOps launch

For the public launch of VictorOps and its new DevOps product, in addition to a completely new site, we storyboarded out the central piece of the website, a motion piece that in real time displays a user getting an alert and solving the problem, then getting back to his life, and never had to leave his seat at the bar.
Special attention was paid to ensure flexibility in the grid of images that user could play short movies of the apps capabilities and behaviors.
As any company grows it wants to appeal to the press and to prospective employees, we took a simple approach to portraying the fledgeling company.
Pricing. There are many options when its comes to buying any cloud based software today, we wanted to show the details.
It was important to provide a simple view of the complexity the VictorOps app covers, we employed an interactive map to demonstrate just how it worked.
For such a rich application we designed a stand alone page for features, just so as users were getting ready to buy they knew exactly what they could get and what they would need.
Knowing your audience is a big plus in the IT industry. We did a fun photoshoot capturing the it guys life. our “larper” was eventually cut from the movie but has re-emerged in current collateral as a sort of underground hero.
For the launch of the site we did t-shirts and stickers, that felt way less typical than your average startup launch.